Loretta Young

Pencil Portrait by Antonio Bosano.

Loretta Young Pencil Portrait
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A3 Pencil Print-Price £45.00-Purchase

A4 Pencil Print-Price £30.00-Purchase

*Limited edition run of 250 prints only*

All Pencil Prints are printed on the finest Bockingford Somerset Velvet 255 gsm paper.

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Last update : 16/12/15

Loretta Young, the chiseled-cheeked leading lady, the very embodiment of Hollywood elegance and flawless beauty, appeared in nearly 100 movies made from 1927 to 1953. Amongst them was “The Bishop’s Wife” (1947), surely one of the most enduring Christmas films of all time.

Interviewed years after her celluloid retirement, she inadvertently offered an astute insight into relationship problems, in a manner that extended way beyond the superficial world of actors mingling together throughout a three month shoot.

What is it about making a movie together that makes everybody fall in love with each other?

Well, first of all, everybody puts his and her best foot forward. You only want them to see your best looks. You only want to let him see your best humour and your best condition and your best everything. And everybody treats you as if you’re a king or a queen and it seems so normal, perfectly normal. The parts are written that way; you look longingly and she’s in love. I don’t know how these young people do these things today.


Recommended viewing

The Bishop's Wife (1947)

Dudley (Carey Grant), is an angel of no great standing who comes to help a bishop (David Niven), in answer to the Bishop’s prayer for help in raising funds for his new cathedral. The bishop is beginning to lose faith and believes his marriage to Julia (Loretta Young) is failing. Dudley restores his faith, and brings happiness back to the marriage, but the new church remains unbuilt.


Lorreta Young is cast as the beleaguered and neglected wife – “one of the few people who can make Heaven on earth” and Dudley longs to forsake his duties and stay with her. She rejects him despite his strenuous efforts in reminding her of the fun she and Henry once shared. Her distracted husband is reawakened to pangs of jealousy, and ready to forsake his earthly existence in a confrontation with the angel, Dudley realises it is time for him to leave, erasing memories of his time with all parties concerned. “Kiss her for me, you lucky Henry,” he says, departing the family home for the last time. Henry and Julia are emotionally reunited; their love for one another reawakened, and their friendships with characters like the Professor renewed.

It’s one of my favourite Xmas films, the ice-skating scene on the pond featuring James Gleason as the cab driver Sylvester, an obvious highlight. Dudley’s harp playing scene with the always superb Gladys Cooper, is equally memorable.

Chill out with the DVD, and get into the Xmas spirit with this Hollywood classic.