Kate Middleton

Pencil Portrait by Antonio Bosano.

Kate Middleton Pencil Portrait
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The quality of the prints are at a much higher level compared to the image shown on the left.


A3 Pencil Print-Price £45.00-Purchase

A4 Pencil Print-Price £30.00-Purchase

*Limited edition run of 250 prints only*

All Pencil Prints are printed on the finest Bockingford Somerset Velvet 255 gsm paper.

P&P is not included in the above prices.


It was a ten year courtship and a very necessary one. With lessons to be learned from the whole Diana episode, the Monarchy took stock of the situation to ensure young Kate would be adequately tutored in what to expect from life as a Royal.

As a new mother, her perfectly natural post natal symptons – the occasional tired appearance and shock! Horror! grey roots – have been scrutinised by the British media ad nauseum, prompting vitriolic social media postings from members of the public. If not insensitive to such personal criticism, then at least unperturbed, The Duchess of Cambridge has been getting on with her daily existence, juggling motherhood with public duties. For her detractors, comfortable in the anonymity of social media postings, there remains the hope that they will ‘get a life’.

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